Recombinant insulin (human)

Cat. Number BioAL-000005
Description Proinsulin measurements in serum allow to diagnose an insulinome. High proinsulin concentrations are characteristic of type II diabetes, type I diabetes, diagnosed for the first time, and other clinical cases including pregnancy and obesity aggravated by diabetes, functional hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia as well as age-specific deviations.
Name Recombinant insulin (human)
Amino acid sequence A chain: GIVEQCCTSI CSLYQLENYC N
Molecular weight 5806,70 Da
Natural Source Homo sapiens
Expression system E. coli
Physical Appearance Lyophilized substance, white powder
Storage conditions Store at -20 degree C, for extended storage, conserve at -20 degree C or -80 degree C.
Purity >98%
HPLC was carried out on Prosphere column (C18 300A 5u, Alltech) in 0.1% TFA with 10 – 80% acetonitrile gradient at flow rate 0.75 mL/min
Usage For Research only
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Prices, USD
Supplier Alinda Chemical Ltd.