Recombinant oxytocin (human)

Cat. Number BioAL-000001
Description Oxytocin is an oligopeptide hormone produced by the neural lobe of hypophysis. Oxytocin stimulates smooth muscles of uterus. Oxytocin enhances prolactin secretion and the contraction of myoepithelial cells surrounding breast alveoles increasing milk production. Oxytocin also possesses slight vasopressin-like antidiuretic properties.
Name Recombinant oxytocin (human)
Amino acid sequence CYIQNCPLG-NH2
Molecular weight 1009,22 Da
Natural Source Homo sapiens
Expression system E. coli
Physical Appearance Liophilized substance, white powder
Storage conditions Store at -20 degree C, for extended storage, conserve at -20 degree C or -80 degree C.
Purity >98% Analysis by RP-HPLC
HPLC was carried out on Prosphere column (C18 300A 5u, Alltech) in 0.1% TFA with 10 – 80% acetonitrile gradient at flow rate 0.75 mL/min
Usage For Research only
Availability E-mail:
Price Category
Prices, USD
Supplier Alinda Chemical Ltd.